OK  You have gone through preliminary site selection and are pretty sure this is it? Wait, There is a restaurant across the street that just closed. Should I look at it? A second generation space has a lot of advantages. The space will typically have grease trap, restrooms, kitchen, heat and air, electrical panels/service and vent a hoods in some cases in place. There are many questions that come with second generation spaces. First question, Why did in close? What kind of shape is building in? Can it be converted to your concept with less expense? Is there ample parking? Is the road in front preparing to be widened or closed for an extended amount of time ?What is the landlords responsibilities. Is the lease an assignment or a sub lease? Most cases a second generation space can only require a remodel permit verses a full set of plan drawings. the most important question is how many restaurants have been in location previously. Restaurant spaces that have had multiple tenants eventually become: Oh another restaurant is opening there. Stay tuned!!